The Kid (1921) is a silent movie which included the iconic comedian of the early 19th century, Charlie Chaplin. The film is a linear narrative which revolves around a mother who drops her baby with a pleading note in a limousine and commits suicide. The limo is stolen by thieves who dump the baby in a bin. Charlie the Tramp finds the baby and makes a home for him. Five years later Edna has become an opera star but does charity work for slum youngsters in hope of finding her boy. A doctor discovers the note with the truth about the Kid and reports it to the authorities who come to take him away from Charlie. Before he arrives at the Orphan Asylum Charlie steals him back . The proprietor reads of a reward for the Kid and takes him to Edna. Charlie is later awakened by a kind policeman who reunites him with the Kid at Edna's mansion.
In regards to this film, many of the films were silent comedies, as the use of sound was non existent. These films relied on the use of actions and gestures, in order for the audience to identify with the characters and the plot. In addition to this, the films were in black and white, as colour was not yet invented. By relying on actions, most of the comedy was created through slapstick, as constant fumbles and accidents such as getting pied in the face, falling off a ladder were typical forms of humour in silent films. Most of these silent films revolved around social issues such as poverty, as evident in The Kid (1921). By conveying these issues in a light hearted way, the audience could identify and understand social issues. Though most audiences during this time seeked to watch silent comedies as a means of escapism, due to the financial crisis of the Wall Street Crash.
In silent comedy films, most of the characters including Charlie Chaplin wore formal suits and hats, though some of the characters, such as the Kid are dressed in scruffy clothes, as there was a rise in orphans, due to social crisis and death due to environmental conditions. Most of Chaplin's films were situated in urban towns, which were industrialised, polluted due to fumes from factories and were very cramped in terms of living space. Chaplin is fairly represented as a carer and passionate guardian who loves the kid and is against the authorities who want to give the kid back to his mother. As coined by Strauss, the binary opposition is evident, as Chaplin is against the authorities and wants to look after the kid, who was abandoned by his mother.
In 'The Kid', the use of a fast paced, drums and violins connote drama and suspense, as the opening conveys Charlie Chaplin, with the kid, who is being taken away from Charlie, therefore drama is created as Charlie is trying to protect and doesn't want to leave the kid, who he has gotten close to , after he was dumped by his mother. However, this includes some emotional aspects, as the use of the crying facial expression by the kid connotes desperation and sadness, as he doesn't want to leave Charlie. Though humour is generated in the film,as the Kid hits the two men over the head with a hammer, which is comedic, as a child would not be expected to hit an adult, and is a form of physical and slapstick humour. Chaplin is iconic as being a pioneer of comedy, as seen in the film, when he is trying to climb over the roof. This use of humour could make the audience identify with Chaplin, as he wants to do good by caring for the kid and has good intentions.
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